The Black Sheep
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills : from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, who hath made heaven and earth. Proverbs 121
Spirit of the well is dedicated to my African-American brothers and sisters. It's time to wake up to reality. The Most High God is calling us to a higher level of being. Aside from gathering for social justice, worship in our local churches, or impoverished black communities, we have failed to come together as a people. Know that the mantle is still upon us to fulfill our original God-given purpose as a priesthood—we must first bond as Christian Hebrews. The Bible says we would have trouble in this world, but take heart because He has overcome it (John 6:33). Paul also reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 that God's strength is made perfect in weakness. So, let's stop living for the world's system. Its deception is a lie, and we must look to The Most High God for redemption in this awakening hour. Amen?
Renew Your Mind in Christ Jesus

Negros are God's Chosen People
Join us in corporate prayer. We ask specifically for the covering of black lives. We pray the killings will stop, and justice prevails for lives lost.