Genesis is the oldest book of the Bible, written by Moses. It accounts for a 2000 year time span. Genesis is divided into two segments. The Prehistoric part consists of Chapters 1-12.
This biblical documentation confirms our world's creation that begins with Adam and Eve, followed by Noah's Ark, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel, solidifying the language barriers.
The fall of man occurred when Eve was deceived by a crafty Serpent. She fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam also ate from the tree in which God warned him would result in death. Consequently, the Lord banned Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden to keep them from the Tree of Life and acquire the ability to live forever in their current state. The Tree of Knowledge represented a moral choice on how humanity should live; It is good versus evil. Humanity often falls into temptation and chooses sin. Adam and Eve's oldest son Cain committed the first murder, killing his brother Abel out of jealousy. Similar to tithing today. By his faith, Abel gave his best first fruit (sacrificial) offering to the Lord.
As time progressed, Humanity became even more wicked, but God found righteousness in Noah. Upon witnessing the corruption of the earth. God vowed to destroy it with a great flood, yet He favored Noah and his family. God made a covenant promise with Noah, and by faith, he believed and built the Ark for his wife, three sons (Japhet, Ham, and Shem), and their wives, along with 2 of every kind of animal. Following the loss of life, Humanity started to develop again.
As considerable time passed, the Tower of Babel occurred. Society began to advance; the people wanted to be remembered and make a name for themselves. The communities came together and decided to build a city with a tower that reached the heavens. Since the entire world spoke one language, God knew that if man could devise a plan and coordinate, nothing would limit their efforts. Therefore He changed their native tongue. People began to speak different languages. They separated themselves according to dialect and were scattered throughout the land. The Tower of Babel resulted in the world's language barriers today. After the scattering of descendants, God wanted to reserve a people for Himself.
Genesis Chapter 12-50 chronicles the lives of the Patriarchs. These chapters give famous biblical accounts, including Abraham's life journey, Isaac's near-sacrifice, and glimpses of his life. Isaac was the only Patriarch who married once. His wife Rebekah bore twin sons Esau and Jacob. We also experience Jacob's life story, including his Covenant relationship with God established in a dream (Jacob's Ladder). We see how Jacob fought for his blessing through many trials. Jacob derived the name Israel which in Hebrew means God's Contender. There are many biblical details to research and study, but let's continue with a few more highlights.
God called Abraham at the age of 75. The Most High deemed Abraham the Father of many nations. Like Noah, The Most High made a Covenant promise with Abraham, and Genesis details his life's journey. Key accounts consist of his son Ishmael, who was born to Sarah's maidservant Haggar. Despite good intentions and the self-fulfilling prophecy surrounding Abraham's firstborn, Ismael was not the promised child of God. Well past her child-bearing years, Abraham and his wife Sarah conceived a son. Abraham was 100 years of age when he and Sarah became parents of Isaac.
As life continues, we learn more about Abraham's relationship with God. As an act of faith, Abraham prepared to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to God. This gesture was indeed a foreshadowing of the coming Savior as God would give His Son Jesus Christ as an atonement for sin. The genealogy continues with Isaac becoming a man, marrying Rebecca, and raising their own family. Rebecca gave birth to twin boys Jacob and Esau. The twins waged war inside their mother's womb. As prophesied that Rebecca had two nations of people within her. One would be stronger, and the older would serve the younger.
Later, Genesis discloses how the older brother Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew and how Jacob stole Esau's blessing from their father while Isaac, with their mother's help. Esau vowed revenge against his brother. The complicated family entanglement between these brothers signals much symbolism that reigns true today; it was the beginning of the present world's demise. During the next generation, Jacob has 12 sons of his own. Jacob's wife Leah had six sons; her maidservant Zilpah bore 2 of Jacob's sons. Rachel's maidservant Bilhah bore 2 of his sons, and Jacob's wife Rachel gave birth to 2 sons.
These sons are representative of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Genesis follows Joseph's life and shows his favor by his father, Jacob, and the Highest. God gifted Joseph with the ability to envision and interpret dreams that ultimately predicted the future. It is said that "favor ain't fair." Although God is just in the treatment of His people, The notion of ill-treatment and jealousy caused Joseph's brothers to sell him into Egyptian bondage. While in slavery, Joseph encountered difficulties. Yet, by God's grace, Joseph is elevated from slavery and prison into second-in-command of Pharaoh's Kingdom.
Ultimately, all of Joseph's dreams came to fruition. His brothers' relationships are restored, Jacob and his entire family moved to Egypt and lived prosperously. In celebration, Joseph reminded his brothers what they meant for harm to him; God meant good. In summary, God intends to restore Humanity to himself. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the beginning of God's redemptive plan. Genesis is only the beginning of the 66 books of the Bible. We must rethink and learn our Black History as the Hebrew Tribe of Judah.
The Keeper
January 2021